14 May, 2007

The Sunny Factor

Frobes just released a list of America's overpriced home markets and #1 on the list was...

Sunny San Diego.

Forbes states that, "A slumping housing market, where only 5% of residents could afford to buy the median home, and a high price-to-earnings ratio have made the oceanfront city the nation's most overpriced real-estate market." They continue on with this insightfull statement, "Had weather been included as a statistical measurement, there's no doubt San Diego would have avoided our list of top 10 most overpriced cities, but we didn't factor in sunshine. "

Sounds like Forbes needs a new way to analyze real estate markets, because dude what is San Digeo without the Sun!

If you want affordable without sun move to Fargo:

In cycling news:

The team was reunited at Sterling MA. this past weekend and as predicted the boys were flying.

1. Nerac Pro Cycling - Jones

2. Nerac Pro Cycling - Adam Meyerson

3. Nerac Pro cycling - Aiden Charles


CK said...

Congrats on Sterling!

Rob S said...

Yea not too shabby. More impressive is riding in the break in another 100 mile race the next day. Thats def pretty meat head but i can still own you in pro cycling manager.

CR Jones said...

Thanks guys. Good luck in NJ. this weekend Rob, you noob.