18 May, 2007

Home alone :(

Yale school of Nerds sent a team, including cass, to Nicaragua today. This is the first of what YSN plans to be an annual adventure to help immunize the children in Managua. So we packed #1 up, in not one but two suitcases, oh the horror of using two suitcases. I've never met another person that freaks out when they have to use the overflow (read: shopping) duffel to begin a trip with. For that matter, until we met I didn't even know what an 'overflow duffel' was or that it was standard issue in the Lance family when vacationing. So back to packing, the school had each of the students take down medical supplies including needles, hand sanitizer, vitamins, surgical gloves, and cool little surgical gowns. Considering the current state of cycling I couldn't have been happier when the needles left our house.

Nicaragua was originally settled by the Spanish, is approximately the size of New York state, home to the 2nd largest freshwater lake in Central America, and some 5,465,100 people.

Random facts:

-1988 inflation rate: 13,500% - ouch

-1990: 1st Latin American country to elect a woman president

-Nicaragua is one of three countries in the world where abortion is completely illegal

-Lake Nicaragua is home to the world's only fresh water sharks

-People in Nicaragua have two last names. For this trip Cass is known as Cassandra Lance-Jones.

-And is home to Joya (Jewel) de Nicaragua which are rated 'Classic.' (I'm not sure if classic is a good rating)

-GW was cheerleader at Andover:

Hopefully #1 will return with plenty of stories and pictures to entertain you with, until then lots of NASCAR and Raisin Bran for me.

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