09 April, 2007

The Perfect Storm - US Open of Cycling '07

The day started off like this:

So it looked like all of that time suffering through the 'mild' New England was about to pay off.
These snowbirds who spent the winter in Tucson were less than stoked.
And after a flat and losing a wrestling match with some trolley tracks ended like this:

and this.

It has always been a dream of mine to race over a cobbled climb with fans screaming and yelling in my face. It was exactly like it had imagined; chaotic! In the gutter one minute and climbing on the grass to avoid the cobbles and barely missing fans the next. This is what the U.S. needs more of; hard races. I hope y'all caught it on NBC, if not buy your airline ticket to next year's edition. The end result wasn't what I had hoped for, but the race was awesome and I can't wait until next year.


k2 said...

Who are the hot guys in the way cool van? ;)

Dave said...
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Dave said...

"team leader on the day Chris Jones" hits the big leagues and pulls a move clearly inspired by my brother :)