19 March, 2007

San Dimas

It is over, and if you'd like you can read more about it here. There are also a few pictures of the team and Adam on the podium.

Now it is time to recover and gear up for Redlands. Our host dad took us on a recovery ride this morning. We told him an hour to hour and a half would be perfect...I should have known we were in trouble when he handed us each two gu shots as we headed out the door. I told him I wouldn't be needing them and he response was, "Trust me, you will." What?!? Two hours later, Aidan and I had a serious discussion about if it was "professional" to use a gu on a recovery ride. We both did the macho thing and didn't give in and subsequently bonked and barely made it back to the house.

Speaking of Aidan, he helped me in my ever present quest to be a better chef/cook/baker than B-La. Last I checked, in some weak attempt to top my tortillas she had made some wussy hamburger buns. So toady Aiden introduced me to the fine art of making pene pasta with an almond butter and honey sauce. I should have taken some pictures, but I'm sure you can imagine how appetizing it must have looked (email me for the reciepe as it is too long and complicated to post).

1 comment:

betsy said...

nice try, pasta boy. but the proof is in the pudding....and i don't see any pudding or other delicious edibles on this blog.