15 March, 2007


As always, things have been busy. I tried to sneak out of Connecticut before Valentines Day to save some cash on presents (yes I am that cheap). Well the plan totally backfired... I got snowed in and had to, I mean was able to spend two Valentine dinner's with my #1 fan. I was also there to witness her opening the flowers I had delivered to her; a dozen dead roses. Talk about not scoring points! Her face was so disappointed as she opened the box and I couldn't figure out why until she lifted the flowers out and all of the rosebuds fell off of their stem. Ah my luck sometimes... I did redeem myself by taking her to a fine establishment by the name of the Union League for dinner. While eating it occured to me that God blessed everyone with a unique set of talents and one of the many that #1 has been blessed with is the ability to pick THE most expensive thing out and choose it was the, "one she loves/ needs." Whether we are picking out clothes or choosing a tile for the bathroom, she will gravitate towards the most expensive. Amazing!

I finally made it out to Nor-Cal and now down to So-Cal. Both are as I remembered; beautiful! We've been doing some racing and I've found my legs... yep they're blindingly white. I haven't really posted any stellar results yet, but they are just around the corner.

Here's a couple of pictures from today's ride to anger all of you who are still in the frigid north east.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at it this way, Chris. She chose you. Hmmmm....maybe you might want to say that she has good taste. Hard to swallow, I know...:-) Aunt B