07 February, 2007

You CAN believe everything you see.

Nope this isn't trick photography, if you look closely you can see #1 Fan using the vacuum. Life sure is full of surprises... She must be up to something... or sick...

That cycling thing starts up again next week. I'll be in Tucson for a while and end up visiting up both Nor & So Cal. Until then I don't have time to write, sorry, boss' orders. I have to finish phase #1 of the condo remodel before I leave, or the Cass will regulate and sell all 6 of my bikes in the house while I'm gone instead of the just the two that put me over the four bike limit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's when I see a foto of CJ behind the vacuum cleaner...now that's a foto you CAN'T believe.
