14 December, 2006

Aeropuerto = Dude fest

Not sure what the deal is but I would say that the ratio here at BDL is 100 dude : 1 Chick. Weird...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, that sucks, you should have done CX Nationals instead, so I could yell at you to eat that GU tucked in your shorts because this is CX and you're not going to have time to eat that then you could totally come around the next lap and throw the wrapper at me just to prove me wrong... not like anything similar has happened before, but these events have a better M:F ratio.

CR Jones said...

Ouch... can I write it off to being a noob or a roadie? I wish I was at nats. Next year...congrats to Trebon.

CR Jones said...

How'd it go for you?

Anonymous said...

It went well, had a good start, and felt strong. You would have had a blast on this course, super fast, and just techinal enough so that guys like johnson and page could almost make up for the sheer horsepower of trebon. Eneas FREYRE was there, I ran out of heckles so I started calling him you, the guy probably thinks I'm a jerk. Next year in Kansas City!